IC Keypad Nokia 7610/6600/3230 (24 pin), Discount

0,09 $
0,09 $
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Details - IC Keypad Nokia 7610/6600/3230 (24 pin), Discount

IC Keypad Nokia 7610/6600/3230 (24 pin)

A microcircuit is a chip that attaches directly to the phone board. They are responsible for powering, managing, adjusting, controlling the functions of the mobile device, that is, they ensure the functionality of the phone.

Chip failure or damage to one of the contacts leads to the fact that the main elements of the phone do not function.

The main causes of microcircuit malfunction:
~ due to mechanical impacts and damage;
~ due to ingress of moisture or dust inside the case;
~ due to unprofessional repair.

The microcircuit should be selected exclusively compatible with your device model.

You can order a microcircuit through the website or contact the manager at the phone number indicated on the website.

More Information - IC Keypad Nokia 7610/6600/3230 (24 pin), Discount

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Nokia 7610 Nokia 6600 Nokia 3230

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